AA meetings are open to anyone who wants to overcome alcohol dependency. With a strong network of supportive peers, these meetings foster accountability, hope, and a shared commitment to recovery.
AHCCCS can provide low-cost or no-cost health insurance coverage for those who qualify. Enrolling in AHCCCS can ease the financial burden of treatment and ensure consistent access to quality care.
For individuals seeking a science-based, self-empowering approach to recovery, SMART Recovery groups can be an ideal fit. These meetings emphasize cognitive-behavioral techniques and goal-setting to promote lasting change.
TANF can help eligible families with temporary financial assistance, offering a critical safety net as individuals work toward stability, healing, and self-sufficiency.
If you’re seeking peer support and encouragement from others who understand the challenges of substance use, consider attending a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting. NA groups provide a judgment-free space to share experiences, build resilience, and learn coping strategies.
For American Indian members of Arizona’s federally recognized tribes, AIHP provides culturally sensitive health coverage. This program ensures comprehensive, patient-centered care for individuals and families.
Loved ones affected by someone else’s substance use can find solace and understanding at Al-Anon meetings. These gatherings focus on healthy communication, emotional support, and learning to care for oneself while supporting another’s recovery.